Working long hours on a ship like a superyacht is no joke. You are not only dedicating your energetic youth to a demanding cause but also investing your mental health in it. This can quickly exhaust you mentally and emotionally, even without you realising it. Now, if you truly care about your family, you would want to be mindful of how you are feeling. In this article, we will talk about maintaining family bonds in a healthy way amid long hours on a superyacht before it drives a wedge between you and your family and friends.

Maintaining Family Bonds amid Long Hours on a Superyacht

Working long hours on a superyacht can take a toll on your mental health. The key to managing your mental health is to be aware of it. But maintaining your familial bonds takes more than that. Let’s talk about them in this article.

Being Mindful about Your Stress and Mental Health

Did you know that physical exhaustion and mental health go hand in hand? The more physically exhausted you are, the lesser you will be mindful of your mental health. A Superyacht’s work environment provides a perfect recipe for that.

Keep yourself in check. The most effective and available way on a superyacht would be keeping a diary. Make it a habit to write down your thoughts. This will help you sort out your thoughts and separate your stresses from your actual emotions.

Communication is the Key

Becoming mindful of your mental stresses is one thing, but communicating about them is another. This is where the trust comes into play. You have to understand that your family and friends are here for you. Communicating with them is not putting a burden on them.

If you are working on a superyacht or similar boats, you should communicate about the nature of your work environment. If they have an idea about the hardships of working on ships, they will be more willing to show their understanding and support towards your issues.

Be Open about your Issues

Trust and openness play a big factor in maintaining family bonds amid working long hours on a superyacht. If you are feeling mental distress, talk to your family. Be truthful and open about your mental distresses. Do not think that you are weak if you are open about this. Instead, you are actually brave if you are being open.

Make Plans with your Family and Friends

Life becomes a little easier when you have things to look forward to. How about planning a nice vacation? You don’t work on a ship all year long. You do get vacations off-season. So, you could use that time to spend time with your family and friends and make memories. This way, you will also feel recharged and hopeful. You will be able to go back to work with a newfound energy within you.

Make Your Accommodation as Home-like as you can

Having a special object as simple as a rock can help you stay connected with your family (given that rock is special to you and your family). Apart from that, consider putting some photos of your family around your accommodation. Decorate your accommodation as long as it does not violate a superyacht’s safety code and does not inconvenience others.

Souvenirs are a great way to tell your family you are thinking about them

As a superyacht seafarer, you get a chance to see the world. It is not always you would go on land but if you do, make sure you get a souvenir or two for your family or friends. Next time you call them, show them the souvenirs. Tell them you are thinking about them, and appreciate their presence and support.


Families are not easy. Communication is bound to have its cracks sometimes, understanding tainted with misunderstanding, and doubt taking the place of trust. However, while that is understandable, taking a step back and reflecting on the issues and then talking out about them calmly is the healthy way to go.

In this article, we saw some of the ways of maintaining family bonds in a healthy way while you are working long hours on a superyacht. If you think this is something you are capable of, you may consider working on a superyacht. Why not? They pay you handsomely, the work environment, although brutal, is luxurious, and you get to meet people from different elite backgrounds.

For more information, contact Sail and Power SA today!